The mission of the Danbury Museum & Historical Society Authority is to acquire, preserve, exhibit, and interpret the heritage and history of Danbury for the purpose of education, information, and research.
Situated in downtown Danbury, the museum preserves the John and Mary Rider House c.1785), the Dodd Hat Shop (c. 1790), the Marian Anderson Studio, the old King Street Schoolhouse, the Little Red Schoolhouse and the Charles Ives Birthplace. Huntington Hall, a modern exhibit building contains the museum offices and a research library.
The Danbury Museum and Historical Society has evolved out of efforts to preserve endangered historic properties. One of the City's oldest structures, the Rider House on Main Street, would have been demolished in 1941 to make way for a gas station had it not been for the intervention of concerned citizens (including the Mary Wooster DAR Chapter). After raising money to purchase this property, these citizens founded the Danbury Historical and Arts Center.
A merger, in 1947, between the Scott-Fanton Museum and the Danbury Historical and Arts Center, saw the creation of the Danbury Scott-Fanton Museum & Historical Society Inc. During the 1950s and 60s, the museum acquired the John Dodd Hat Shop, the Ward House, the Charles Ives birthplace, two one room schoolhouses and erected Huntington Hall, where many of its exhibits have been displayed.
In 2004, the Museum was thrilled to add the Marian Anderson Studio to its collection. Famed contralto Marian Anderson made Danbury her home for more than 50 years. The studio was moved to the Main Street campus of the museum in 1999. Restoration of the studio was completed in early 2004.
On July 1, 2008, the Danbury Museum & Historical Society Authority of the City of Danbury began operations, and the Scott-Fanton Museum ceased to exist.
Danbury Museum Staff
Brigid Guertin
Executive Director
Michele Lee Amundsen
Assistant Director
Collections Manager
Patrick Wells
Research Specialist
Additional Staff
Meaghan Gorman, Linda McKee,
Max Chelso, Kristina Hansen.
Questions? Please call us at 203-743-5200.
President - Geoff Herald
Vice President -Liz Hudson
Second VP - Robert Young
Secretary - Marian Hesemeyer
Treasurer - Robert Doyle
Trustees: Paul Valeri, Doug Polistena, James Beschle, Roberto Alves, Reverend Brandon Whitfield.
Board members are nominated by the Mayor of the City of Danbury and confirmed by Danbury's City Council. If you would like more information please contact the Danbury Museum at
Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm in Huntington Hall and via Zoom. The public is welcome.
President - Ed Siergiej
VP - Kathy Ehli
Treasurer - Dr Tom Valluzzo
Secretary - Joretta Kilcourse
Board Members:
Roberta Struski, Brigid Guertin, Joan Saplio, Geraldine Macaisa, Susan Johnson.
Authority Board Representative:
James Beschle
Robert Doyle
Meetings are held at 4:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month in Huntington Hall at the Danbury Museum & Historical Society and via Zoom. These meetings are not open to the public.
Mary Wooster Chapter DAR was the seventh chapter to be formed in Connecticut on March 15, 1893, and was named after the wife of Major General David Wooster. The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a volunteer service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children. Our chapter meets regularly in the at the Danbury Museum & Historical Society (43 Main St), and we maintain a room in the historic John & Mary Rider House.
The Danbury Mineralogical Society meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Danbury Museum from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Find out more at
As of August 2024, the Fabric Friends have created and donated 1077 lap-sized comfort quilts to Nuvance Health at Danbury Hospital.
Join us on the first Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (unless it is a holiday)
If you have 100% cotton fabric or batting that you would like to donate, please give us a call at 203-743-5200 or contact us at
The Danbury Garden Club maintains the beautiful gardens located at the Danbury Museum. We hope you'll visit and enjoy the tranquil setting.
For more information, visit or find them on Facebook at
The mission of the Friends of Danbury Cemeteries is to preserve Danbury history by restoring the fallen and damaged gravestones of those who settled, lived in and built the city we know today. We are a volunteer organization and always looking for interested folks to learn how to do this important work. Contact us at FODC6043@GMAIL.COM
Become a member! We have membership categories at many price points and by subscribing to a monthly, sustaining membership, you provide the Danbury Museum with much needed revenue. Click here to join as a sustaining member.
Questions? Call us at 203-743-5200!
Sponsorship opportunities —
Sponsor the new exhibit in the Marian Anderson Studio: $35,000
Renovate museum kitchen — $3000 (new refrigerator, microwave, washer/dryer.)
PPE needs:
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Hand Sanitizer
Lysol or Clorox Wipes
Maintenance wish list:
2 Commercial grade vacuums
Commercial grade floor cleaner/steamer
New Fence $15,000
Power washer ($200-$300)
Office needs:
Reams of white copy paper
Tech wish list:
5 Google Chrome Books (2023 or newer)
3 MacBook Air laptop (ca 2023 or newer)
2 iMacs (2023 or newer)
Gift Cards:
Rings End Lumber
Gaylord Archival Supply
Gift our volunteers lunch! Gift cards to any local restaurants that deliver.
Endowed annual positions:
$50,000 endowed curatorial position
$50,000 endowed research position
$50,000 endowed Marian Anderson & Charles Ives scholar and program coordinator
Underwrite the cost of Danbury Museum staff attending annual conferences:
New England Museum Association —$4,000
American Alliance of Museums — $7,000
Keep up with the latest at the Danbury Museum.